
Polarizing Beamsplitter Cubes

Polarizing Beamsplitter Cubes

The beamsplitter cubes are manufactured from to cemented right angle prisms. One of the prisms is coated with a dielectric polarization beamsplitter on the inner surface. This layer has a high reflection for s-polarized light and a high transmission for p-polarized light over a broad spectral range.

he extinction ratio in transmission is significantly better than in reflection due to the residual reflection of the beamsplitter coating. By optimizing the angle of incidence it is often possible to minimize the residual reflection in order to obtain extinction ratios in reflection well below the specification (typ. Rp :R s <1:100).

The outer surfaces are coated with broadband antireflection layers. By default the prisms are provided without holder. The cubes are available with coatings for three standard spectral ranges: 400-700 nm, 600-900 nm and 800-1100 nm.

For the Polarizing Beamsplitter Cubes we also offer mounts (Article-No.: MTW) .

Optical specifications

material Flintglas
extinction ratio in Transmission (Ts:Tp) < 1:1000 (Ts<0,1%)
extinction ratio in Reflexion (Rp:Rs) < 1:20 (Rp<5%)
Akzeptanzwinkel ±2°
wavefront distortion <l/5
beam deviation in transmission <2'
connection of the prisms cemented
damage threshold (cw) >100 W/cm²

Optical specifications

side length 5 mm 10 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm 30mm 40 mm
Art. No., 400-700 nm PTW 05 PTW 10 PTW 15 PTW 20 PTW 25 PTW 30 PTW 40
Art. No., 600-900 nm PTW 1.05 PTW 1.10 PTW 1.15 PTW 1.20 PTW 1.25 PTW 1.30 PTW 1.40
Art. No., 800-1100 nm PTW 2.05 PTW 2.10 PTW 2.15 PTW 2.20 PTW 2.25 PTW 2.30 PTW 2.40


order no. 1 piece in € 2-5 piece in € 6-10 piece in €
PTW 0.05 201.- 186.- 167.-
PTW 0.10 201.- 186.- 167.-
PTW 0.15 300.- 280.- 256.-
PTW 0.20 472.- 440.- 400.-
PTW 0.25 497.- 468.- 431.-
order no. 1 piece in € 2 piece in € 3-5 piece in €
PTW 0.30 799.- 750.- 711.-
PTW 0.40 999.- 933.- 881.-


order no. 1 piece in € 2-5 piece in € 6-10 piece in €
PTW 1.05 201.- 186.- 167.-
PTW 1.10 201.- 186.- 167.-
PTW 1.15 300.- 280.- 256.-
PTW 1.20 472.- 440.- 400.-
PTW 1.25 497.- 468.- 431.-
order no. 1 piece in € 2 piece in € 3-5 piece in €
PTW 1.30 799.- 750.- 711.-
PTW 1.40 999.- 933.- 881.-


order no. 1 piece in € 2-5 piece in € 6-10 piece in €
PTW 2.05 201.- 186.- 167.-
PTW 2.10 201.- 186.- 167.-
PTW 2.15 300.- 280.- 256.-
PTW 2.20 472.- 440.- 400.-
PTW 2.25 497.- 468.- 431.-
order no. 1 piece in € 2 piece in € 3-5 piece in €
PTW 2.30 799.- 750.- 711.-
PTW 2.40 999.- 933.- 881.-

Price custom version

holder MTW holder
connection with Thorlabs SM1 or SM2 thread on request
other wavelenght ranges on request
cementless cubes with optical contact on request
cubes made from fused silica for high power or UV applications on request

On one of the ground side surfaces the prism bearing the beamsplitter coating is marked by a line parallel to the inner surface. On the opposite side the direction with the specified prismatic beam deviation (<2') is indicated. The inner structure of the cubes and the coating is highly symmetrical. Therefore, the direction of use has only a minor influence on the properties. However, it is of advantage in many applications to couple the light into the cube from the side of the coated prism. This helps to minimize spurious reflections and interferences caused by the cement layer.