
Photonik Tage BB
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Mica Retarders

Mica Retarders

Mica retarders are very thin laminae which are cleaved off from a block. The resulting sheets are zero order retarders consisting just of a single piece of crystal.

Mica is a natural mineral and exhibits a noticeable absorption which becomes more pronounced at short wavelengths.

The thin mica sheets are cemented between two polished cover glasses made of N-BK7.

The plates can be ordered unmounted or with a cylindrical holder. An antireflection coating is available as an option.

We offer mica retarders either with half wave or quarter wave retardation. The plates are manufactured for a single design wavelength inside the spectral transmission range which has to be specified on the order.

Optical specifications

material mica
transmission range 400-2000 nm
tolerance of the path difference ± 10 nm
wavefront distortion <λ/10
marked direction fast axis
prismatic deviation <1'
temperature coefficient* a/R0(typ.) 3∙10-4/K
angular coefficient* b/R0 (typ.) 10-3/deg²

* Definition


10 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm 30mm 40 mm 50 mm
thickness with cover plates [mm] 4 5 6 8 8 10 14
mount diameter [mm] 25 25 30 30 35 45 55
mount length [mm] 10 10 15 15 15 15 20
Art. No., retardance λ/2
RZG 2.10 RZG 2.15 RZG 2.20 RZG 2.25 RZG 2.30 RZG 2.40 RZG 2.50
Art. No., retardance λ/4
RZG 4.10 RZG 4.15 RZG 4.20 RZG 4.25 RZG 4.30 RZG 4.40 RZG 4.50


order no. 1 piece in € 2-5 piece in € 6-10 piece in €
RZG 2.10 220.- 191.- 164.-
RZG 2.15 263.- 227.- 194.-
RZG 2.20 336.- 287.- 242.-
RZG 2.25 376.- 329.- 286.-
RZG 2.30 432.- 374.- 335.-
RZG 2.40 528.- 454.- 413.-
RZG 2.50 687.- 590.- 537.-


order no. 1 piece in € 2-5 piece in € 6-10 piece in €
RZG 4.10 220.- 191.- 164.-
RZG 4.15 263.- 227.- 194.-
RZG 4.20 336.- 287.- 242.-
RZG 4.25 376.- 329.- 286.-
RZG 4.30 432.- 374.- 335.-
RZG 4.40 528.- 454.- 413.-
RZG 4.50 687.- 590.- 537.-

Price custom version

option order-no.: additional price
holder for diameters up to 30 mm RZG 0.30 75.-
holder for diameters up 40 mm RZG 0.40 95.-
antireflection coating, R<0,8% in the range of 400-700 nm RZG 1.02 80.-
larger diameter (up to 250 mm) --- on request
mica retardes without cover plates --- on request